Space Patrol, The Official Guide to the Galactic Security Force

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Space Patrol, The Official Guide to the galactic Security Force, Steven Caldwell
Crescent Book New York, 1980
64 pp, 31 color illustrations, 7 b/w illustrations

Space Patrol describes the duties and and daily adventures of the galaxy’s law enforcement division. Chapters outline recruitment and initial training, military capabilities (including the appropriately named Seaforce), and peace-keeping activities.




  1. Ben Mistri July 19, 2017


    I am currently conducting research on one of the artists on page 59 of this book Space Patrol. Derek Riggs. Is there any chance you can email me a scan of this page in hi resolution?

    I will be eternally greatful.

    Thank you.



  2. admin July 21, 2017

    Hey Ben…thanks for dropping by. Believe it or not, I no longer have a scanner. I haven’t used one in long while. Have you tried contacting Derek Riggs via his website? It’s I’m not sure what the original source of this illustration is either. It’s the only Derek Riggs piece to show up in the TTA/GE books.

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